STOP. Hammett Time!

By Adam Kampe
Maltese Falcon book cover
Book cover used courtesy of Vintage Crime, 1992.
It's that time of year again (summer!) where we replace our Big Read-focused posts with Blue Star Museum Fridays. Blue Star Museums is a collaboration among the NEA, the Department of Defense, Blue Star Families, and more than 2,000 museums across the country, which offers free museum admission to active service members from Memorial Day through Labor Day. But have no fear, Big Readers, we'll still run occasional literary notes about NEA Literature Fellows, poets, and the like on the blog. As we break for the cruel humidity of summer, I wanted to end on a cool note. And who better to feature than crime writer, Dashiell Hammett, an author whose novel,The Maltese Falcon, a Big Read selection, embodies cool. Check out the NEA audio guide on the book, which includes pieces by book critic Maureen Corrigan, Dashiell's granddaughter Julie Rivett, crime writer Walter Mosley, and more.