World Theater Day Notable Quotable: Madeline Sayet

By Paulette Beete
photo of madeline sayet with text that reads For me, every good story makes you think differently about the world. The thing that’s happening that’s really exciting is the more voices that are included in theater, the more types of stories you get, and the more interesting stories you get that ask you big questions and that more people can related to in a complex set of ways. Madeline Sayet

Photo of Madeline Sayet by Bret Hartman

"For me, every good story makes you think differently about the world. The thing that's happening that's really exciting is the more voices that are included in theater, the more types of stories you get, and the more interesting stories you get that ask you big questions and that more people can relate to in a complex set of ways." -- Madeline Sayet Read the complete interview with Madeline Sayet here