Forms and Guidance

If you are an Offeree, use the following forms and guidance to respond to your funding offer:

If you are an Award Recipient, use the following to help manage your NEA award:

Pass-through entities are federal award recipients that make subawards to carry out part of a federal program. Eligible pass-through entities are restricted to designated Local Arts Agencies, State Arts Agencies, and Regional Arts Organizations. The guidance below applies to NEA awards. Organizations may not subaward unless it is specifically indicated in the award Write Ups.

Guidance and Specific Terms and Conditions for Local Arts 
   Agencies that Subaward
   FY 24 and earlier subgranting awards are subject to the 
   Grants and Cooperative Agreements to Organizations GTCs, 
   with these Specific Terms
Sample Checklist for FY25 and Later Subawards
   Use this checklist to help ensure that your subawards are in 
   compliance with the GTCs 
Notice to Recipients that Subgrant NEA Funds: Federal 
   Government-Wide Unique Entity Identifier Transition on 
   April 4, 2022