Sarah Mangold

Sarah Mangold

Photo by Paul Kimball


Sarah Mangold is the author of Electrical Theories of Femininity (Pavement Saw Press, forthcoming 2013), selected for the Transcontinental Poetry Award and Household Mechanics (New Issues, 2002), selected for the New Issues Poetry Prize. Recent chapbooks include Parlor (above/ground press), I Meant To Be Transparent (LRL e-editions), and An Antenna Called the Body (LRL Textile Editions). Poems can also be found in journals such as Web Conjunctions, The Chicago Review, American Letters & Commentary, and Versal. She has received fellowships from the Djerassi Resident Artists Program, the MacDowell Colony, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and a grant from the Seattle Arts Commission. She earned her BA in English Literature from the University of Oklahoma and MFA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. Born in Nebraska and raised in Kansas and Oklahoma, she currently lives near Seattle with her husband and their cat, Professor Peppermint.

Author's Statement

I remember telling everyone the first time I was eligible to apply for the NEA in 2000. Just meeting the eligibility requirements was a milestone. Since then I've had many internal dialogues reassuring myself that it was okay if I never won since hundreds of deserving poets apply. Needless to say I'm stunned and beyond thrilled to receive a NEA fellowship. I am honored and in awe of being selected by the diverse panel of poets and arts supporters. The award this year also has special significance since the poems in my application are from my forthcoming book, knowing that the poems stood out and made a connection with the selection committee just months before the book is released is a wonderful feeling. The award has sharply reminded me to prioritize my writing time and will make that financially feasible. I plan on scheduling time off work in order to deeply engage with my writing and to continue work on a new manuscript. I also plan on feeding my own literary interests and increasing my support to small presses by purchasing more books, literary journals, and attending arts events that before were beyond my budget. Receiving the NEA [creative writing fellowship] is an enormous vote of confidence and encouragement; this recognition will carry me through many solitary hours of writing and will be a continued reminder to keep going.

A Face to Meet the Faces that You Meet

0Of hands gliding and pointing0 Praise for the machine hinted

as much. Spiritualism ached for such a method. Machinery

retreats from the eyes. Different accommodations 0Of the same

evidence0 Both vouched for truth 0Of implausible phenomena0

0Of the nature of error0 Sounds signification maybe delayed.

There shouldn't be a solution. As social beings. Each points

to the inadequacy 0Of print as a container0 for information.

Sleight. Swerve and deviation. Simultaneous subjects. 0Of history

and in history0


(first published in Poetry Northwest, Spring/Summer 2012)