Johannes Göransson

Johannes Goransson

Photo courtesy of Johannes Goransson


Johannes Göransson is the author of eight books, including most recently Poetry Against All and Transgressive Circulation: Essays on Translation, and the translator of several more, including works by Aase Berg, Ann Jäderlund, and Helena Boberg. He teaches at the University of Notre Dame’s creative writing program and is one of the editors of Action Books.

Project Description

To support the translation from the Swedish of the poetry collection Lonespeech by Ann Jäderlund. Jäderlund (b. 1955), whose aesthetics are closely aligned to Emily Dickinson, has published 12 books of poetry and even translated the work of Dickinson into Swedish. Her work generated a heated debate in Sweden in the 1980s, dubbed the so-called "Ann Jäderlund Debates," with some critics dismissing her work as feminine and mysterious, while others lauding its strangeness and defiance of masculine expectations. This project will translate Jäderlund's most recent book published in 2019, Lonespeech. The collection contains short, mysterious, riddle-like poems that write through and around the published correspondences of poets Paul Celan and Ingeborg Bachmann. This will be the collection's first appearance in English.

I’m grateful for this acknowledgement from the NEA. Translation continues to be marginalized in U.S. literature, especially the work of women poets. There are few sites of recognition for translators of poetry, and this grant is one of them. This grant will help me complete a translation of Ann Jäderlund’s latest book, Ensamtal, a beautiful and difficult book.