Preview of Three New SPPA Reports February 24, 2011

On February 24, 2011, Sunil Iyengar, Director of the NEA's Office of Research & Analysis, and the authors of three independent reports analyzing the data from the 2008 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts (SPPA), presented their findings and answered questions in a public webinar. The reports explore how factors such as arts education, age and generational characteristics, and personal creativity have affected arts participation patterns in the U.S.

PDFs of the PowerPoints of the three report presentations and Mr. Iyengar's introduction are available for download.

Video of the webinar segments includes the PowerPoint presentation and the question and answer period.



Preview of Three New SPPA Reports: Introduction

Preview of Three New SPPA Reports: Arts Education in America: What Declines Mean for Participation

Preview of Three New SPPA Reports: The Declining Significance of Age

Preview of Three New SPPA Reports: A Multi-Modal Understanding of Arts Participation

Preview of Three New SPPA Reports: Concluding Remarks and Open Q&A