2020 Poetry Out Loud Video Submission Requirements and Tips
POL poetry recitation video submissions:
- Submit videos as either a .mov or .mp4 file. Maximum fie size is 250MB.
- Submit each recitation as a separate video file. We will likely use just one video based on the permissions we are able to obtain. Submit them in your preferential order, #1 being the one you would prefer us to use if possible.
- Do not edit the file before uploading.
- You can either work with your state Poetry Out Loud contact to submit video from the state finals (if they were recorded) or record your own video (see tips below).
Recitation video tips:
- Film with a horizontal orientation.
- Stand and face the camera so it captures your head to mid-torso (medium shot)
- Stand in front of a neutral background, if possible. And don’t wear clothes similar to the background.
- Don’t place light sources behind you to avoid being backlit.
- You can either look directly into the camera, at a fixed spot, or at an imagined audience.
- Use a tripod or secure the camera on a shelf.
- Use a microphone, if possible. If the microphone is on the camera, position the camera close to you.
- Start recording a few seconds before the recitation and stop recording a few seconds after the end.
- Name your video with: "Last name-state abbreviation-first three words of poem title”
- Make sure you’re the only visible and audible person in the video
- Do not add any graphics to the video—we will add appropriate Poetry Out Loud branding.