Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Using a Logic Model to Create Clarity

03:00 pm ~ 04:00 pm

“I think what surprised me the most was the greater clarity that I got regarding the full measure of our work by developing a logic model.”

Do you want answers to these questions about your program: Are we doing the right work in the right way? What impact are we having? How can I better plan programs and easily track resources and activities? What have we learned and how do I use that? How can I tell stakeholders about our program and make reporting easier?

Join Creative Forces’ Community Engagement team on May 18, 2022 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm EDT for an introduction to logic models—what are they and why they are important for community arts organizations. Presented by Creative Forces’® National Resource Center, this webinar will use the Creative Forces Community Engagement logic model to familiarize participants with the elements of a logic model, ways to use a logic model, and why logic models are increasingly important for organizations delivering military arts and health programs.

“I was surprised how people—staff, board, volunteers, teachers, participants, funders—involved with our program had different ideas of what it’s for, what the goals are and what the focus should be. The logic model helped us get everyone on the same page.”