Sound Health Network Webinar: What Music Teaches Us

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We all know that music is a powerful mnemonic and what child can recite the letters of the alphabet without a song? But music's role in education can go far beyond simple memory enhancement and so this February, Sound Health Network (SHN) is talking to Grammy-nominated music educator Alice Tsui, who is the founding Music Educator and Arts Coordinator at New Bridges Elementary, and Dr. Christopher Emdin, Naslund Chair in Curriculum and Teaching at the University of Southern California and founder of the #HipHopEd social movement. Join them for a stimulating conversation about music education and education with music on February 28 on SHN's YouTube channel

The Sound Health Network is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts, in partnership with the University of California, San Francisco, in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and Renée Fleming. Learn more on the Sound Heath Network's website.