National Endowment for the Arts Announces Funding Guidelines Available for Fiscal Year 2014 Grants for Arts Projects
Washington, DC -- The National Endowment for the Arts is pleased to announce that application guidelines are now available for Grants for Art Projects at the NEA's website, These guidelines are for projects anticipated to take place in 2014. Grants for Arts Projects consists of Art Works and Challenge America Fast-Track programs and constitutes 75 percent of the NEA's annual direct grantmaking.
Art Works is the NEA's largest funding category, supporting the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence, public engagement with diverse and excellent art, lifelong learning in the arts, and the strengthening of communities through the arts. In fiscal year 2012, the NEA supported more than 1,790 grantstotaling $102 million through this category. The deadlines for Art Works applications are March 7 and August 8, 2013.
Challenge America Fast-Track category offers support primarily to small and mid-sized organizations for projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations -- those whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability. These grants feature an expedited review process with approximately six months from application to notification. In fiscal year 2012, Challenge America funded 153 grants totaling $1.53 million. The deadline for Challenge America Fast-Track is May 23, 2013.
Guidelines and application materials are in the Apply for a Grant section of the NEA website.
The impact of the NEA's direct grants is significant. In fiscal year 2012, it is projected that:
- More than 75 million individuals will attend live arts events supported by the NEA including 18 million children and youth.
- Nearly 2,800 communities will participate in NEA-sponsored projects – many benefiting from touring and outreach that take place in communities beyond that of the grant recipient.
- 25,000 community organizations will partner with grantees on Arts Endowment-supported projects.
- NEA awards will generate$600 million or more in matching support.
- NEA awards will help make possible nearly 40,000 concerts, readings, and performances, and 4,000 exhibitions.
- that strengthen the field of community arts journalism and arts criticism, or
- that create new art out of partnerships between artists and those from sectors outside of the arts (e.g., science).
Victoria Hutter