Chairman Jane Chu to Visit Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Washington, DC—NEA Chairman Jane Chu will visit Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on September 11, 2014. She will begin her day at the Arts Education Partnership’s National Forum, then tour Pittsburgh's downtown cultural district and meet with local recipients of NEA funding.
Chairman Chu will provide opening remarks at the Arts Education Partnership's National Forum on Arts and Education: Preparing Students for the Next America in and through the Arts. AEP is a national coalition of more than 100 education, arts, business, cultural, government, and philanthropic organizations. AEP was established in 1995 by the National Endowment for the Arts, the U.S. Department of Education, the Council of Chief State School Officers, and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies.
Following this event, Chairman Chu is available from 10–11 a.m. for media interviews. Please contact NEA Public Affairs at 202-682-5570 or to request an interview.
At 11:15 a.m., Chairman Chu will tour the downtown cultural corridor, led by the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust. Later that afternoon she will tour two recipients of NEA funding, the Mattress Factory and Manchester Craftsmen's Guild.
Press are welcome to attend the following stops. Please RSVP to Liz Auclair at or 202-682-5570.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
8:30–9:45am: Chairman Chu gives welcoming remarks at the Arts Education Partnership's National Forum – a national convening exploring arts-centered solutions to improving America’s public schools.
Location: Marriott City Center Hotel, Marquis Ballroom, 112 Washington Pl., Pittsburgh, PA 15219
10:00–11:00am: Media Availability-Contact NEA Public Affairs at 202-682-5570 or to schedule an interview with Chairman Chu. Location: Marriott City Center Hotel, 112 Washington Pl., Pittsburgh, PA 15219
11:15 a.m.–12:00pm: Tour of Pittsburgh's cultural district led by Pittsburgh Cultural Trust.
3:45–5:00pm Tour of Mattress Factory.
5:15–6:15pm: Tour of Manchester Craftsmen's Guild.
10:00–11:00am: Media Availability-Contact NEA Public Affairs at 202-682-5570 or to schedule an interview with Chairman Chu. Location: Marriott City Center Hotel, 112 Washington Pl., Pittsburgh, PA 15219
11:15 a.m.–12:00pm: Tour of Pittsburgh's cultural district led by Pittsburgh Cultural Trust.
NEA Chairman Jane Chu
Kevin McMahon, President & CEO, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust
State Senator Jay Costa
Philip Horn, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Mitch Swain, Executive Director, Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council
Location: Tour begins at Benedum Center for the Performing Arts, 237 7th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
3:45–5:00pm Tour of Mattress Factory.
NEA Chairman Jane Chu
Barbara Luderowski, President & Co-Director, Mattress Factory
Michael Olijnyk, Co-Director, Mattress Factory
Alexis Tragos, Dir. of Museum Advancement, Mattress Factory
Location: 505 Jacksonia Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
5:15–6:15pm: Tour of Manchester Craftsmen's Guild.
NEA Chairman Jane Chu
Bill Strickland, President & CEO, Manchester Bidwell Corp.
Paulo Nzambi, COO, Manchester Bidwell Corp.
Marty Ashby, Ex. Producer, Manchester Craftsmen's Guild
Location: 1815 Metropolitan St, Pittsburgh, PA 15233
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NEA Public Affairs