Statement from Mary Anne Carter, Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts on the Passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

In this time of great economic uncertainty, I am grateful to the Members of Congress and the President for recognizing the contributions of the arts to our nation and our economy and the devastation and job loss that this virus has wreaked upon the Arts community. With the agency’s experience in disaster recovery, economic crises mitigation, and distributing relief funds, the Arts Endowment will deliver assistance to retain as many jobs as possible and keep the doors open to the thousands of organizations that add value to America’s economy and the creative life of our communities. On behalf of America’s taxpayers, we fully understand and welcome the responsibility which has been entrusted to the Arts Endowment. America needs the arts and these jobs as part of our economy, our communities, and our lives and the National Endowment for the Arts is committed to doing its part.


NEA Public Affairs 202-682-5570