American Artscape Notable Quotable: Steve Zeitlin of City Lore

By Aunye Boone
Man wearing glasses on his face and a blue blazer, stands in the middle of natural scenery with various trees, a wheat field, and cloudy skies above.

Steve Zeitlin, founder and executive director, City Lore. Photo courtesy of Phyllis Zimmer

“Our goal is to move people through the stories that these artists are telling, is to move them into bringing that kind of emotion and their own stories into the way they practice medicine. So really a lot of this is about storytelling and the power of storytelling and how the power of storytelling can change the way a doctor or a nurse goes into that and the way they can fight back against the kind of pressures that are on them to be only clicking in a computer and only having five minutes with each patient.”

Steve Zeitlin is the founder and executive director of City Lore, an organization dedicated to documenting and showcasing urban folk culture throughout New York City. In our audio interview in the new issue of American Artscape, Zeitlin spoke with us about the organization's initiative From Heritage to Health, which uses a variety of art forms and narratives to provide comfort and care to patients and bridge the gap between medical providers and patients.