Sneak Peek: Amina Claudine Myers Podcast

Amina Claudine Myers: I got into jazz when I got into college. First the head of the music department had a band that went around and played the high schools, the black schools in Little Rock. And the band let me play. I went with the band, and. I learned how to play the blues. So later on, I moved out into the city. It was cheaper than living in the dormitory. My second year I moved out to the city, and this young lady came up to me. Her name was Gloria Salter from Detroit. She says "I have a gig for you, but it's playing in a nightclub." I said "Girl, I can't play in no nightclub." She said "Yes, you can. It pays $5 a night." So I went down to the Safari Room on 9th Street in Little Rock, Arkansas. That was the street where all activity-- clubs, restaurants. And I got the gig as a solo pianist. So that’s when I started jazz.