Sneak Peek: Joe Deleon "Little Joe" Hernández Podcast
Joe Hernandez: I'd like to think that I've been around because people like-- I think more importantly-- they feel what I do because that's what music is to me, it's our soul, it's who we are, it's our spirit and we all have a soul and a spirit and music connects that. It's an incredible art, it's the only art that makes a little nine, ten-month baby move and shake around or a 90 year old person want to still get up and dance and the music moves, it touches the soul. Of course, there's sculptors and writers and painters and it's all beautiful great art, but music-- it's the feel and I believe that I've been able to share that feeling, that soul with the audience and they supply the energy that drives me. It's incredible to see young and old people, men and women in the audience crying with happiness, with sorrow, with memories of I guess people in their lives. It's so moving that sometimes it brings me to tears while I'm singing as well. It's just magic and when I'm in that realm and as the band is, everybody's just in a circle and I feel so free of everything. And I believe that I convey that to the audience that for the time they're at the show they're not thinking about any problems, worries, it's just such an incredible freedom to be alive and to be sharing.