Arts Education Webinar: Chula Vista Elementary School District
In June 2015, Chula Vista Elementary School District (CVESD), California's largest K-6 district serving nearly 30,000 children, announced its decision to reinstate in-school visual and performing arts (VAPA) education at every school. With a $15 million commitment divided over three years, the district has designed a framework that uses sequential arts instruction for every student to free classroom teachers for collaboration and planning time. This decision was the culmination of a five year collaboration with San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory (SDYS) designed to rebuild access to music and arts education after a 15-year absence in the district. What started in 2010 as the Community Opus Project after-school music program for sixty-five 3rd graders has evolved into one of the largest and most rapid restorations of arts education in the nation with over 70 VAPA teachers hired since June. Using an El Sistema inspired approach, SDYS assisted the district with rebuilding its arts education infrastructure as well as managing cultural changes associated with returning arts education to campuses. This webinar provided concrete examples of how an innovative approach to reforming public education through the arts has successfully transformed the learning and teaching environment across an entire school district.