Arts & Human Development Task Force: Fostering Arts-Health Research Partnerships at the Community Level: A How-To Guide
In recognition of a growing movement to integrate the arts with health in community-based programs, the National Endowment for the Arts has published a free, online guide for researchers and practitioners. The National Endowment for the Arts Guide to Community-Engaged Research in the Arts and Health is a blueprint for collaboration among academic researchers, arts organizations, and artists aiming to study the arts’ effects on health and to extend this research to arts programs or therapies. On April 5, 2017, the authors discussed the guide, intending to spur arts organizations working at the crossroads of arts, health, and well-being to harvest the results of their work for evidence that can be used to communicate value and impact.
* Jeffrey Chapline, Founder of New Art Horizons
* Julene Johnson, Professor and Associate Director at the University of California, San Francisco Institute for Health & Aging and Center for Aging in Diverse Communities
* Sunil Iyengar, Director of Research & Analysis, NEA, will moderate the webinar