Beyond the Building: Performing Arts & Transforming Place, Session 1
Performances have multifaceted ways that they transform places, people's relationships with their communities, and community development processes. On November 3, 2014, the Arts Endowment hosted the "Beyond the Building: Performing Arts and Transforming Place" convening to develop a better understanding of how performance-based organizations, and the artists they engage, transform places through their artistic practices.
The convening brought together representatives of performing arts organizations from across the country and NEA staff for a day-long investigation of this topic. Barbara Schaffer Bacon, co-director of Animating Democracy, served as facilitator. Support for the convening was also provided by ArtPlace America.
The convening included public presentations and large group discussions as well as small group breakout sessions. The public presentations were broadcast live; the video archives of the four public sessions are available.
This session included:
Survey Findings: Part I: Designated participants presented a summary of the pre-survey question responses.
- When is performance "Placemaking"?
- Discuss the range of activity, from community engagement and development to placemaking strategies that performing arts organizations employ.
- Address whether performing arts groups feel excluded from the conversations surrounding creative placemaking, and if so, why.