Art Works Podcast: Liz Lerman

By Josephine Reed
Book cover of "Hiking the Horizontal: Field Notes from a Choreographer." Image courtesy of Wesleyan University Press.
Book cover of Hiking the Horizontal: Field Notes from a Choreographer. Image courtesy of Wesleyan University Press.
Washington, DC This week's podcast is the first of a two-part conversation with pioneering choreographer, Liz Lerman. Lerman has spent her life exploring dance as a vehicle for human insight and for understanding the world around us. In the process, she has revolutionized contemporary dance. She seeks to break down the boundaries between stage and audience, and theater and community. She puts her belief that anyone can dance into practice: her company is known for its intergenerational performers whose ages span six decades. She has created dances for specific sites ranging from shipyards to science labs, while her choreography explores subjects as diverse as coal mining, the death of her mother, and the origin of the universe. Always interested in process, Lerman recently published a book, Hiking the Horizontal: Field Notes from a Choreographer in which she shares her ideas and methods for making real art in the real world.