Hot off the Press--the Arts Ed issue of NEA Arts!

by Paulette Beete and Adam Kampe
If a picture's worth a thousand words, then the cover image of the new issue of NEA Arts---Engaged and Empowered: The Power of Arts Education---is priceless! The issue's cover is by Inocente, a young artist who came to national attention as the subject of the eponymous short documentary by Sean Fine and Andrea Nix Fine. The 2012 film chronicled the then-15-year-old's life as a homeless, undocumented immigrant surviving her circumstances through the power of the arts. Visit to listen to Adam Kampe's full interview with Inocente, and browse the other features of this quarter's NEA Arts, including a look at PCAH's new Turnaround Arts program and an award-winning project that teaches Native American youth to be composers, a photo-essay on California's innovative arts mentoring program The Virginia Avenue Project, and many other arts education success stories.