Notable Quotable: Tony Kushner on the job of the artist

by Josephine Reed
Tony Kushner and President Barack Obama at the 2012 National Medal of Arts ceremony
Playwright Tony Kushner at the 2012 National Medal of Arts awards ceremony with President Barack Obama. Photo by Ralph Alswang

“I don't think that my job is to represent people, or to assist in a political struggle. I feel like it's my job as a citizen to do that, but as an artist, my job is more I think to try and describe the world as truthfully as I'm able to do it, and to get below the surface of things, to get at truths that aren't as readily apparent, and that's really, I think all I intended to do.” -- Tony Kushner

Click the links to hear part one and part two of Josephine Reed's Art Works podcast with playwright and 2012 National Medal of Arts honoree Tony Kushner.