My 2015 Cultural Resolutions

By Ruby Lerner
headshot of Ruby Lerner of Creative Capital
Ruby Lerner, Creative Capital.  Photo courtesy of Ms. Lerner
Ruby Lerner is the founding executive director and president of Creative Capital, an innovative arts foundation that adapts venture capital concepts to support individual artists. We thought Ruby might know a little bit about making plans so we asked her to share with us her creative resolutions for 2015. Here's what she had to say.

In 2015, I resolve to:

1. Host the biggest, best Creative Capital Artist Retreat to date and share the artists' presentations with the largest possible audience online.

2. Launch a new blended learning platform to make our career-strengthening Professional Development workshops and webinars more accessible than ever.

3. Focus less on metrics and more on meaningful impact and engagement.

4. Clean out my overflowing closets!

Still not sure what to put on your cultural resolution list for 2015? Check out what new NEA Literature Fellow Sandra Beasley had to say on the topic, and then share with us your own resolutions!