Photo Booth: Sculptures by Auto Mechanic/Artist Harold Kyle

By Josephine Reed
Phonix-like sculpture made of car fenders
A piece of artwork by Harold Kyle. Photo courtesy of the artist
This week's podcast features Harold Kyle, an auto mechanic who's been making sculpture from found objects for 40 years. He's made art with everything and anything, from discarded campaign signs (the wire can be used to make some interesting little men who sway in the breeze) to pitchforks, hammers, and scrap metal. And no surprise, he's developed a particular focus on discarded car parts like fenders and headlights and steering wheels. Kyle's work can be whimsicalas he says, "I tickle myself sometimes." But he is serious about  the play of balance, movement, and shadow in his sculpture. While it's difficult to appreciate his full artistry from static pictures, we wanted to give you a sense of his work. (All photos are courtesy of the artist.)  
Sculpture by artist Harold Kyle
Sculpture by artist Harold Kyle
Sculpture by artist Harold Kyle
Sculpture by artist Harold Kyle
Sculpture by artist Harold Kyle
Sculpture by artist Harold Kyle