What a Great Night for Jazz!

Edited by Paulette Beete. All photos by Michael G. Stewart
A group shot of NEA Jazz Masters Charles Lloyd, Carla Bley, George Coleman, Joe Segal, and NEA Chair Jane Chu
(l-r) 2015 NEA Jazz Masters Charles Lloyd, Carla Bley, George Coleman, and Joe Segal with NEA Chair Jane Chu. 
Tight shot of NEA Jazz Master Carla Bley speaking into a microphone

"When I first heard jazz, I was fatally attracted to it." -- 2015 NEA Jazz Master Carla Bley

NEA Jazz Master George Coleman playing the saxophone

"Everything I've done since that first two-dollar gig in Memphis--I feel good about." -- 2015 NEA Jazz Master George Coleman

Close-up of NEA Jazz Master Joe Segal wearing a baseball cap and speaking into a microphone

Last night 2015 NEA Jazz Master Joe Segal said he couldn't be a musician, "so I became an instigator."

Tight shot of smiling NEA Jazz Master Charles Lloyd on stage wearing winter hat and sunglasses

"I'm in awe of this great tradition I come from and I'm still in service." -- 2015 NEA Jazz Master Charles Lloyd 

We'll have more photos from the 2015 NEA Jazz Masters Concert Celebration soon--on arts. gov and on the National Endowment for the Arts Facebook page. The entire concert archive will also be published shortly. Follow @NEAarts for updates.