

Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Account (ACPSA).


Launched in 2013, the ACPSA is intended as an annual product.


Partnership between the NEA’s Office of Research & Analysis and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Research Topic

Arts and the GDP

Notable Features

  • Inflation-adjusted estimates of the arts and culture’s real contribution to the U.S. economy
    • Value added
    • Gross output
  • Full time-series spanning 1998-2015
  • Employment and compensation by arts and cultural industries
  • Supply and consumption of arts and cultural goods and services, including imports and exports
  • Gross output price indexes for arts and cultural commodities
  • Arts and cultural commodity output and employment multipliers

Revisions to ACPSA

The account provides both nominal and “real” estimates of arts and cultural production measured in chained 2009 dollars.


Over the most recent three-year period (2012-2015), the average annual growth rate of real value added by arts and culture was 2.6 percent, slightly stronger than the 2.4 percent growth rate generated by the total U.S. economy.

The fastest-growing industries producing arts and cultural goods and services span Internet publishing and broadcasting (i.e., “other information services”), performing arts presenters, design, and architectural services.