FY22 Final Report Instructions and Forms



Your final reports will be submitted entirely through REACH, except for any required hardcopy work product(s). Log in to REACH and open the Forms & Reports tab to view and submit the required reports for your award. Not all reports listed below will be required for your grant.

  • Federal Financial Report (FFR): Web form available only through REACH | Instructions
  • Local Arts Agency Subgrants Report.  This form is only assigned to organizations that received an American Rescue Plan Grant to Local Arts Agencies for Subgranting. Complete spreadsheet and then upload through REACH.) Instructions | Form
  • Product Requirement

    Research Grants: Final Work Product Requirement for FY19 and Later Awards

    Research LABS: Final Work Products Requirements for FY22 and Later Awards

    All Others - including Grants for Arts Projects, Challenge America, Our Town, etc. See the Forms & Reports tab in REACH to see if your award has a product requirement.

    If you need to submit a hardcopy of a product:

    First-class mail to the NEA is delayed due to security screening. Products put through this process suffer irreversible damage. If you are sending a product use an alternative delivery service, such as UPS or FEDEX. Send to the following address:

    National Endowment for the Arts
    Office of Grants Management
    400 7th Street, SW
    Washington, DC 20506

    If your grant allows for an electronic product to be submitted through REACH:

    We recommend that you submit your product electronically. Because NEA staff are primarily teleworking due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it may take some time to log your hard-copy work product.  An additional (optional) hard copy of the product could be sent to the address above, in care of the Agency Contact noted for your award in REACH.