FY18 Final Report Instructions and Forms



Your final reports will be submitted entirely through REACH, except for any required hardcopy work product(s). Log in to REACH and open the Forms & Reports tab to view and submit the required reports for your award. Not all reports listed below will be required for your grant.

  • Federal Financial Report (FFR): Web form available only through REACH | Instructions

If you need to submit a hardcopy of a product:

First-class mail to the NEA is delayed due to security screening. Products put through this process suffer irreversible damage. If you are sending a product use an alternative delivery service, such as UPS or FEDEX. Send to the following address:

National Endowment for the Arts
Office of Grants Management
400 7th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20506

If your grant allows for an electronic product to be submitted through REACH:

We recommend that you submit your product electronically. Because NEA staff are primarily teleworking due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it may take some time to log your hard-copy work product.  An additional (optional) hard copy of the product could be sent to the address above, in care of the Agency Contact noted for your award in REACH.